Preparing To Move Home

Sam and I came out to Colorado in 2012. It was a grand experiment really. I remember the worry I had then.

Am I crazy for moving across the country to be with this girl? What if we can’t stand each other? Will this work out?

Now nearly a decade later, married with three kids I can look back and chuckle over the initial worry that flooded through me. But it is these moments in life that make us. Accepting the worry, moving forward, starting something. So now on the eve of moving back home, I find many of the familiar worries on my mind.

Today we took in the view. Our lovely mountain valley. Simply preparing to say goodbye.

I won’t lie that this will be emotional. 9 years ago as I set out on my way to Colorado it was an adventure. I was heading west - manifest destiny and all that. I had no job. I had no idea of what was ahead of me. I had no responsibility.

Over the last nine years, Sam and I have gotten married, we’ve bought a house and started a family. I have started a company. We’ve bought cars and loads of stuff!! Couches, beds, dressers oh my! Coming out here I had everything I owned inside a 1998 Jeep Cherokee - Going home I am contracting a moving company… How things have changed.

Still the same is true. We are setting out on a major adventure. Coming to Colorado was much more a personal journey with a dash of young love tossed in. This time around we’ll be moving a family. Moving a home. Pulling up stakes and returning to the place it all started.

I’ll miss Manitou Springs.

I’ll miss the trails and mountains. The streams and canyons. The vistas.

I’ll miss our community and our friends.

I’ll miss the weather and the lack of biting insects.

This place has been amazing - preparing to leave is proving to be difficult and exciting all at the same time.


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