Hey look over here


Today I had a quick photoshoot in the new kitchen. I am still playing around with my style of men’s leggings. Making them look fashionable isn’t really easy especially since my experience in fashion is zero and I only became interested in fashion because of leggings. I am really trying to punch above my weight class.

Earlier in the week I had a conversation about how difficult it is to make leggings look and feel natural. My current approach isn’t exactly perfect and I know I have to work on it more but it is a work in progress. I just need to keep re-adjusting.

The funny part about this whole blog and Instagram thing is I am trying to figure out my look and place in an obscure corner of mens fashion and I am doing it in public, well hardly given the followers I have garnered on Insta and the traffic on this blog but still it strikes me as odd. I imagine it goes something like

“hey you!”

“look over here”

“I am trying to develop myself and feel comfortable wearing men’s leggings”

”care to join me?”

It’s really quite odd isn’t it. But for all the ways I am feeling about this I am enjoying to process.

Here’s to that process.


What does your wife think about you wearing leggings?


I am hooked on triathlon