Men’s Leggings and Leg Hair

If you start wearing leggings with enough regularity this question will probably pop up in your mind from time. Each time you look down and see a few hairs poking through your leggings and the itch you feel after wearing leggings for a while will bring your mind to your leg hair.

What should I do about my leg hair?

Honestly, there’s really no right or wrong decision here but I figured I’d share my thoughts on the topic and see if I can be helpful to gentlemen considering leggings for their fashion.

I’ll try and walk through the pros and cons of having leg hair and then the counter option which is of course not having leg hair. I’ll share my experience with both options and a few tips and tricks I’ve developed that may or may not be helpful for folks reading this article.

The obvious question is should I remove my leg hair or not?

For me, the early answer to this question was no. I didn’t want to bother with the chore of having to maintain hair-free legs and I was okay with the fact that a few hairs poked out of my leggings, but over time my opinions shifted and I now remove my leg hair.

So let me lay out the pros and cons and you can decide for yourself what to do with your own leg hair.

The pros and cons of keeping your leg hair.

The pros are pretty obvious. No maintenance of any kind. You get to be your natural self leg hair and all and the workload in your hygienic and aesthetic routine is unaffected. No need to monkey around with razors, creams, ingrown hairs, shower contortions, and no need to fill your mind with all the questions about how to remove your hair.

The cons are that your leg hair is going to stick through the leggings. This is a surface-level aesthetic issue but it does happen and whether or not other folks notice, you’ll definitely notice. The other con to not removing your leg hair when you wear leggings is that the hair gets matted down and it can become uncomfortable. For me, it would become itchy and hot and I found it would become distracting.

Another con I only really noticed after I started removing my leg hair is that your leg hair acts as a kind of lubricant that can cause your leggings to slide down. The fabric has an easier time sliding down your legs and doesn’t stay in place as well because your hair helps reduce the friction. I found that without leg hair my leggings stayed in place and I didn’t have to readjust and pull them up nearly as often if ever than when I wore leggings with leg hair.

The pros and cons of removing your leg hair

As I mentioned above one of the first pros I noticed was that my leggings stayed in place better. This was really pretty great and was a major bonus to removing my leg hair. Another pro was the improved aesthetic of my leggings. I no longer had errant hairs sticking through leggings and the look was cleaner and more “put together” sort of a - je ne sais quoi effect.

Another pro is in line with the improved fit they also seemed to breathe better and not become as hot and itchy. They became a true second skin and I can wear leggings all day without ever having to readjust them or becoming annoyed by my matted hairs.

Another surprise pro is the ease of toweling off after a shower. No leg hairs mean the water just slips right off you. Additional all things around the water become different, you feel like a real swimmer. I didn’t think I would really notice, but you do! I feel like a seal.

Lastly removing my leg hair has improved my aesthetics without the leggings on as well. Wearing thong underwear I have always maintained my pubic hair so that my underwear looked a felt better on my body. Now my legs match the grooming I have up top and the look is quite nice. I feel like a bodybuilder and that has helped my confidence.

The cons are mostly on the labor side of things. Leg hair is stout and it grows decently quick. Once you start you are in a habitual maintenance mode. You can’t slack on it or you enter a phase of leg hair stubble that is honestly worse than full-length hairs. I had to learn a new skill in how to actually shave my legs and become very aware of how inflexible I am.

It was slightly humbling.

Another con is the extra equipment you need to purchase and stay on top of. I have never been one to moisturize until I began shaving my legs. I immediately understood why there are entire aisles of this stuff in grocery stores around the planet. If you don’t help to nourish the skin you’ll definitely not enjoy yourself.

What are the best ways to remove your leg hair if you wear men’s leggings?

I started out on my hair removal journey using an electric trimmer. This was a great way to start. It is a lot easier to do. It doesn’t take nearly the time or finesse to achieve the desired results and there is less of a need to moisturize afterward. I have moved on to shaving with a razor simply to get a closer shave and a softer feel on my legs. I like the shaved legs feel but honestly, the electric trimmer got me 95% way to satisfaction with way less hassle.

My next goal is to start waxing. For me, this appears the ultimate way to do it. You remove all the maintenance headaches for weeks and achieve a completely hairless result. Waxing also sounds great because when the hair grows back it is a young growth, not the shaved stubble you get with trimmers or razors.

However, waxing may be painful and expensive so I haven’t made the jump yet. Also, I am on the fence about having it done at a salon versus done by myself at home. I am leaning towards doing it at home to start and see what I can achieve with cost effect at-home kits and my plucky DIY attitude. Although the idea of a full spa day with my wife sounds great too.

My final opinion on leg hair and leggings

Really this is all personal and there is no right or wrong way. I have really enjoyed shaving my legs and experiencing a very improved experience wearing leggings. They stay in place better. They feel way more comfortable and my perception of my aesthetic while wearing leggings has improved with my hairless legs.

To me, the answer is yes you should remove your leg hair when you wear leggings. Try an electric trimmer or a razor - once I have some experience with waxing I’ll share that here on my blog.

What do you think? Do you have any tips or tricks or opinions on the matter? I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments.


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